Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Gospel Music

Traditional and Quartet gospel music has start to diminish.The music industry is not putting the money into the genre like all other because of the smaller audiences they are attracting. There needs to be a movement to bring the Quartet Gospel Music back into the mainstream.Traditional gospel music has rich history from the African American communities all the way back to the slave era.We need to support and make this and other gospel music a bigger portion of the entertainment industry.
                                                       The Related Gospel Singers Irwinton,Georgia 2013


  1. i believe these kind of songs are classics and to be precise as you used the term slave era,it is going to be difficult but also this kinda songs has its crowd and if that crowd are able to patronize these songs it will go a long way to help lovers of the quartet to produce more records.

    Thank You

  2. Hi Terry,

    I wanted to weigh in on your blog about Traditional and Quartet music. I grew up on Traditional and Quartet music. Both of my parents were singers and musicians and so were most of their friends. So at my house, that is what was played on the radio, tape and record players. It is sad that this great music has given way to some of the music that is out there now. However, Traditional and Quartet music are far from dead.

    Here in Chicago, we have some awesome quartets that are often included in choir anniversary celebrations and concerts. Chicago is still church choir driven and we love singing Traditional Gospel music. Many of our community choirs such as Dexter Walker & Zion Movement and Chicago Mass Choir are Traditional Gospel music ministries.

    The mainstream record companies and radio stations are not big supporters of this kind of music. But believe me, there is still a large audience for Traditional and Quartet music. People like Bob Marovich, Pastor Eric Thomas, Dr. Bobby Jones, just to name a few, are still keeping the doors open for great Traditional and Quartet music. There are still conventions for artists that minister these forms of Gospel music. So be encouraged.

    As an industry, we can and should do more to preserve this type of artistry. It speaks to ministry as no other form of music can.

    Thank you for sharing a very insightful topic.

  3. I was never really into Quartet music but this post was interesting, makes me want to look more into it
